Pleeeaasssee stop using stock photos

Business in SPL (stock photo life): Who are these people? Why did someone leave their glasses on the opposite side of the table. Can they see?!

Business in SPL (stock photo life): Who are these people? Why did someone leave their glasses on the opposite side of the table. Can they see?!

Stock photos... the automated voice of visual marketing, amiright?

No one likes hearing that same ole service robot when they pick up the phone. That's how stock photos can often look on your website and social media. The same photos are being recycled allll over the internet, and while they may look professional and crisp, they don't tell YOUR story.

Use photos of your clients, your staff, and your community to combat this! Hire a professional photographer to capture the life and passion that is behind your brand and your team!

We also get the business budget struggle is real, so if you can't afford a professional photographer, don't worry! There are still a ton of resources out there for those of us who don't own fancy camera gear.

Here are a few tips to make your photos pop!

Lighting - Natural light is a favorite among photographers and Instagrammers alike. Sunlight coming through windows is usually softer and more forgiving on us humans who aren't blessed with airbrushed skin.

Lighting and your subject - Have you ever tried taking a picture of your friends in front of a window, only to realize you can't see anyone's face? It ain't good, folks!

You want to show off your clients’ faces because you adore them, right? Same goes for your products. Make sure you place them in a well lit area before you take a photo so everyone can see all the awesome details of that beautiful sweater in your store front.

Unless you are going for a mysterious or artsy vibe, try to place your subject in a place where the light faces them.

Filters - you don't have to be a Photoshop wizard to have pretty photos. Here are some great filter apps we want you to try: VSCO, Snapseed, Lightroom

Now get to snappin'!

Share your awesome new photos with us so we can celebrate them with you. Drop your photos in the comments!

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— Catherine Buercklin

T-shirt fanatic, Chocolate lover, and Office Maestro.

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