Silverlake Design Studio

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Hiring on a Tight Budget

When I started Silverlake, doing it all was umm…. mandatory.

Almost every project was a say-yes-then figure-it-out-later situation. The biggest leap was when Pasta Grill asked if I designed websites. Out loud I said “Yes!” Inside I thought, “Surely I can figure it out.” After about a year of this, the workload was too big for me to handle alone.

Have you ever come to a crossroads where you either need to say “no” to more work or finally hire some help?

The idea that hiring someone new will give you instant relief isn’t a sure thing during the first few months. The onboarding process is long, you're obsessed with making your clients comfortable with your new hire, while also insisting this new person is doing things exactly the way you do (not a thing, by the way.)

Don’t let the process discourage you. Getting the right help at the right time will help you serve your clients better.

I’m sure you’ve got all kinds of marketing ideas and new ways to keep in touch with clients. Like handwritten notes, birthday rewards, thank you gifts for referral. But these things simply won’t happen if you don’t ask for help. 

It may seem ridiculous to hire someone to do tasks that don’t seem to generate income but they're essential. That's why you want to do them in the first place. 

In a nutshell: don’t feel limited by the standard job descriptions.

Our first hire at Silverlake was a part-time Project Manager, Drew. She worked for 5 hours a week. On paper, that may not seem like enough hours to offer your first hire, but the decision completely transformed both our lives!

There is someone out there for your specific needs. 

So go ahead, log in to your Facebook or Linkedin page. Tell the world what you need, even if it doesn’t fit the typical job description mold.

You'll be surprised at how many people are looking for flexible opportunities to work for a passionate, local business! 

– Jessica Crum

Owner and Creative Director at Silverlake, Jessica leads our team in producing logos, websites, and packaging for hundreds of businesses and nonprofits across the country. Jessica loves to help others find their purpose, is a diehard vintage shopper, and appetizers are her favorite food.